FAQ page
1) Are they suitable for children to ride in?
Yes, they're certified to be child safety approved, and they're made of the same
gauge steel as the original cars, they're not fragile, they'll last for years.
Q2) How are they shipped and what does shipping cost?
Of course, we always welcome business from the rest
of our European neighbours and if you have any questions regarding shipping
costs, please contact us.
Q3) Are these accurate reproductions of the original pedal cars?
They are very close; the same in size, but some variations were necessary in
order to meet today's more stringent safety standards.
Q4) Is there any assembly required?
On some cars there is, none on the Comet Cars, almost none on the Model "T",
Classic 55, Sad faced Fire engine, ½ an hour for the jalopies about l hour on
the planes, and 1 hour for the race car.
Returned Goods
If something is wrong with an order you placed with Pedal Cars Toys, we
certainly want to help you. Please read the information below for more on how to
1) Did you receive a damaged or defective item?
Please contact us on
info@pedalcars-toys.com, repack the item in the original packaging (we are
unable to collect items that have not been correctly repackaged), provide us
with the reason for return, and where you would like the replacement item sent.
2) Are you missing an item?
Please contact us on
info@pedalcars-toys.com , we will be happy to replace the missing item
within 14 working days If we cannot replace the missing item we will happily
send you out a whole replacement.
3) Did you receive the wrong item?
Please contact us on
info@pedalcars-toys.com stating what item you received, repack the item in
the original packaging (we are unable to collect items that have not been
correctly repackaged) and we will send out the correct item within 7 working
days and collect the wrong one at the same time.
4) Wondering where your order is?
If you have not yet received your order at all and think that you should have by
now, please contact us on
info@pedalcars-toys.com and we will happily contact you when the pedal car
or plane is located.
5) Can I get spare parts for a pedal car I have bought from you?
Contact us by telephone or e-mail and give us all
the details. We will do our best to source the part from our supplier.
6) When will my replacement arrive?
Normally we will dispatch a replacement within 7 working days providing the item
is in stock. If the item is not in stock we will endeavour to get a replacement
to you as soon as possible.
If you have a question not covered in this FAQ, please contact us